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Do you feel led to help those in need? Perhaps you have a skill that will bless others. Maybe you just want to be a part of something.
At Forsyth Methodist there are many opportunities to share your talents, volunteer to help, and be involved. And who knows, the blessing may just be for you.

Children: If you like to work with children, Forsyth Methodist has a place for you. From weekly children's church and Wednesday activities (Kids under Construction), to the annual vacation bible school, there are a lot of opportunities to be involved.

Youth: Maybe you like working with older kids and young adults; then our youth program could use your help. There are frequent gatherings and outings that require chaperones and devotion leaders.

Music: The music ministry at Forsyth Methodist includes choirs for children, youth, and adults. There is also a handbell group and praise bands for youth and adults.

Kitchen: Perhaps you feel led to help serve others through meals. Methodist Men's breakfast, Tuesday lunch for Kiwanis, Sunday night Youth Fellowship snack supper, and special event and holiday meals all could use an extra hand with preparation, serving, or clean up.

Missions: Missions are a major passion of our congregation. There are 3 major mission projects every year, with more arising as the need occurs. We have a group that goes to Culebra, Puerto Rico every year. Our youth and others go to Glory Ridge, North Carolina to make a difference there every year. And in the fall we help those closer to home with Kingdom Builders right here in Monroe County.

Other ministries: There are a lot of other areas to be involved at Forsyth Methodist. Maybe you want to participate with the food bank, the hiking ministry, the FISH puppet ministry, the Fingers of Love crochet team, the FISH Stix dowel rod ministry, or the prison ministry. Maybe you want to be involved with teaching others, praying for others, or being on a list to help whenever a need arises. Maybe you want to work with the worship team or the outreach team or the communication team. There is always an open spot for caring volunteers.

What about new ideas? Many of the ministries at our church began because someone shared an idea or felt led to create a new ministry. We are always open to new ideas that will help share the message of the gospel.

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Our Church

Open hearts, open minds, open doors; the people of Forsyth Methodist Church take seriously the challenges facing the world today. God is always calling us to be disciples of the gospel and to be loving neighbors. We warmly welcome all to come and join us.